Quantum Earth Mover’s Distance: A New Approach to Learning Quantum Data by Milad Marvian of University of New Mexico and Center for Quantum Information and Control

April 25, 2022 @ 12:00 pm – 12:45 pm
Quantum Earth Mover's Distance: A New Approach to Learning  Quantum Data by Milad Marvian of University of New Mexico and Center for Quantum Information and Control

Quantum Earth Mover’s Distance: A New Approach to Learning Quantum Data


Speaker: Milad Marvian of University of New Mexico and Center for Quantum Information and Control

When: Monday, March 28, 2022 | 11 am–12 pm | 



Quantum computers can be more powerful than classical computers in certain computational tasks. Given the fundamentally different nature of quantum systems compared to classical systems, developing suitable mathematical tools can help us to understand the capabilities and limitations of quantum computers. In this talk, I will introduce a generalization of the earth mover’s distance to the set of quantum states. The proposed distance recovers the Hamming distance for the vectors of the canonical basis, and more generally the classical earth mover’s distance for quantum states diagonal in the canonical basis. I will show how the desirable properties of this distance make it suitable for learning quantum data using quantum generative adversarial networks.


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