Quantum Science & Engineering Center

Prospective Students

Resources for Prospective Students

Why Quantum?

The next generation of computing, communication, and sensing technologies will use quantum physics to achieve transformative improvements in performance. Presently, there is a shortage of scientists and engineers with quantum expertise. Both large and small companies are actively seeking employees with the skills to lead this new technological revolution. Come build your credentials to work in this exciting field!

PhD Programs Provided by QSEC Member Departments:

PhD In Chemistry and Biochemistry

Email: cbgrad@gmu.edu

Phone: 703-993-1070

PhD in Computer Science

Email: csphd@gmu.edu

Phone: 703-993-1530

PhD in Electrical and Computer Engineering

Email: ecephd@gmu.edu

Phone: 703-993-1570

PhD in Information Technology, Mechanical Engineering concentration

Email:  rhandler@gmu.edu

Phone: 703-993-1504

PhD in Mathematics

Email: gradmath@gmu.edu

PhD in Physics

Email: gadvphys@gmu.edu

Phone: 703-993-5356

MS in Physics with QISE Concentration

Students in physics, engineering, mathematics, chemistry, computing, and relevant areas are welcome to apply.

  • No quantum prerequisites are required.
  • 2-year program with industry/research internship
  • Training in systems engineering principles

Internship opportunities in:

  • Quantum computing
  • Quantum sensing
  • Quantum algorithms
  • Quantum materials

Undergraduate Research Opportunities

QSEC works to create new programs that will allow students to explore this multidisciplinary field, creating internship experiences for students, expanding research opportunities, and providing forums and presentation opportunities for students. The QSEC Student Speaker Series and group seminar series engage students to develop and showcase their research, get feedback from members of the Center, and to gain valuable communication experience.