Events News

QWC Session: Quantum in your classroom

Quantum in your Classroom is an introduction to quantum science for elementary, middle, and high school teachers. Come learn about what quantum is, why it is important for your students, and where you can find resources to integrate it into your classrooms. No prior knowledge of quantum is required. Future professional development opportunities will be available to participants.

Speaker: Jessica Rosenberg, Nancy Holincheck | George Mason University

Tuesday, November 29, 2022,  5-7 pm at Quantum World Congress

Location: Quantum World Congress, Washington, D.C.


Jessica Rosenberg, Associate Professor of Physics and Astronomy and Director of Education for the Quantum Science and Engineering Center at George Mason University. Jessica is an astrophysicist and STEM education researcher. She is working to develop a sense of excitement and awe in students and teachers as they delve into the mysteries of the quantum world and to prepare students for the quantum workforce.

Nancy Holincheck, Assistant Professor of STEM Education and Associate Director of Education for the Quantum Science and Engineering Center at George Mason University. Nancy is a former high school physics teacher who now supports teachers and students in learning about quantum across the K-12 grade levels. Her work aims to make quantum accessible to each and every student.


Tuesday, November 29th (5-7 PM) at Quantum World Congress


The session will provide an overview of what quantum is and how you see quantum processes in a simple polarization experiment. The sessions will also provide teachers with curriculum materials that can be used in elementary and secondary classrooms.


Elementary, middle, and high school teachers interested in learning what quantum is and what classroom resources are available are encouraged to sign up. You don’t need to have a baseline of knowledge to attend this event! And, by attending, you will receive a $75 stipend and professional development credits.


This session is free for registrants and comes with a $75 stipend and professional development credits for attending. Attendees will also receive a free registration upon request to the Quantum World Congress and priority access to future Quantum in Your Classroom programs. Teachers will also leave with access to quantum curriculum materials for a range of grade levels and the materials and instructions needed to run a quantum experiment with your students.


There are 40 spaces available for teachers to attend the Quantum in the Classroom event. Registrations from teachers will be taken in the order they are received, so sign up as soon as you can to reserve your spot.