Quantum Science & Engineering Center

Mason Quantum Week 2024 Agenda

4/15/2024 Intro to Quantum | Policy | Quantum Materials and Devices | SUB I 3B

10:00 am. Quantum at Mason and beyond

         Dr. Patrick Vora, Director of QSEC & Associate Professor of Physics, GMU

10:40 am. Building a robust quantum industry ecosystem in Greater Washington

          George Thomas, President, Connected DMV

11:20 am. Fireside chat: Mason’s support for a quantum community on campus

          Jacob Smith, Policy Advisor to Senator John Cornyn (R-TX)

————————————————— Lunch Break ————————————————–

01:00 pm. Can you see an atom? (Livestream)

         Dr. Shawna Hollen, Associate Professor of Physics, University of New Hampshire

01:40 pm. From quantum materials to devices and applications

         Dr. Ethan Ahn, Associate Professor of Electrical and Computing Engineering, GMU

02:20 pm. MITRE quantum sensing research

         Dr. Sean Oliver, Quantum Physicist, The MITRE Corporation

03:00 pm. Networking

4/16/2024 Quantum Computing | Quantum Education | Tech Translation | SUB I 3B

10:00 am. Quantum computing overview

         Dr. Michael Jarret, Assistant Professor of Mathematics and Computer Science, GMU

10:40 am. A history of High-Performance Computing: message for the quantum computing

          Brett Berlin, Professor of Data Analytics Engineering, GMU

11:20 am. Quantum computing with Rigetti (livestream)

          Dr. Joshi Mutus, Director of Quantum Materials, Rigetti Computing

————————————————— Lunch Break ————————————————–

01:00 pm. Use cases of quantum computing

          Alex Khan, Fellow, National Quantum Laboratory (QLab), University of Maryland

01:40 pm. I-Corps quantum cohort panel discussion

          Moderator: Gisele Stolz, Senior Director of Entrepreneurship Programs, GMU

02:20 pm. Quantum education at Mason and beyond

          Dr. Jessica Rosenberg, Professor of Physics, GMU

03:00 pm. Networking

4/17/2024 QSEC Awards Review | QSEC Student Presentations | SUB I 3A

10:00 am. Mason’s quantum awards overview

10:10 am. QSEC Awards: Materials

10:40 am. QSEC Awards: Sensing

11:20 am. QSEC Awards: Education

————————————————— Lunch Break ————————————————–

01:00 pm. QSEC Awards: Computing

01:40 pm. Quantum Connections: Discover Q-Code, Mason’s Quantum Student Organization

01:50 pm. QSEC GRA, seed projects, and other programs

03:10 pm. Poster Session