QSEC Quantum Computing Seminar Series: 09/29/2020, Quantum Computing with Qiskit, by Ian Morris of George Mason

September 29, 2020 @ 12:00 pm – 1:00 pm

Event Record

Speaker: Ian Morris, GMU Department of Physics and Astronomy

Topic: Quantum Computing with Qiskit

QSEC’s quantum computing subgroup will organize and host a seminar series throughout the upcoming semester. The upcoming seminar on Tuesday September 29 with Mr. Ian Morris of GMU Department of Physics and Astronomy giving a short tutorial on Qiskit. These events are free and open to the public. For any questions, contact qsec@gmu.edu. Below is the abstract of Mr. Morris’s talk and meeting information:

Curious about quantum computing but never had a chance to learn? Come to this hands-on tutorial and see quantum circuits in action!
Qiskit (qiss-kit) is an opensource Software Development Kit created by IBM that provides users access to real quantum computers to run their quantum circuits on. With Qiskit, users are able to execute their quantum circuit code on various quantum hardware architectures ranging from superconducting qubits to trapped ions, access a large set of premade circuits which can serve as benchmarks or building blocks for more complex circuits, and study the impact of noise on quantum circuits using built-in modules for noise characterization and optimization. In addition, Qiskit provides its users with a library of quantum algorithms from which users can draw on to research real world applications from machine learning to chemistry, as well as circuit tutorials, a free online textbook, YouTube explanations, and a blog featuring quantum applications that make learning how to use the SDK very simple. Qiskit’s easy to use interface enables users to start creating and implementing circuits immediately.

Meeting Information
Join Zoom Meeting ID: 913 3925 3115 Passcode: 570565
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