QSEC Quantum Computing Seminar Series: 12/01/2020, Classic and Quantum Approximation Algorithms for Weighted MAX-CUT – An Empirical Study, by Cheng Zhang of George Mason

December 1, 2020 @ 12:00 pm – 1:00 pm
QSEC Quantum Computing Seminar Series: 12/01/2020, Classic and Quantum Approximation Algorithms for Weighted MAX-CUT – An Empirical Study, by Cheng Zhang of George Mason


Date: 12/01/2020, 12pm
Speaker: Cheng Zhong, GMU Department of Computer Science

Topic: Classic and Quantum Approximation Algorithms for Weighted MAX-CUT – An Empirical Study

QSEC’s quantum computing subgroup will organize and host a seminar series throughout the upcoming semester. The upcoming seminar on Tuesday December 1 will be given by Mr. Cheng Zhong of GMU Department of Computer Science. These events are free and open to the public. For any questions, contact qsec@gmu.edu. Below is the abstract of Mr. Zhong’s talk and meeting information:

Quantum computing plays an important role in improving optimization algorithms’ performance, in terms of running time and near-optimality. Recently, quantum approximation optimization algorithms (QAOA) make it possible to tackle with some combinatorial optimization problems. In this talk, I will present the QisKit implementation of QAOA in weighted max-cut problem, which is NP-hard for classic computers. Then, I am going to compare its performance with a classical max-cut algorithm. The result shows some interesting features of QAOA. I will also talk more about my thoughts of the quantum algorithm implementation.

Meeting Information
Join Zoom Meeting ID:934 6880 2063