QSEC Quantum Computing Seminar Series: 11/10/2020, Improving Quantum Simulation of Fermionic Systems, by Kianna Wan of Stanford University

November 10, 2020 @ 1:00 pm – 2:00 pm
QSEC Quantum Computing Seminar Series: 11/10/2020, Improving Quantum Simulation of Fermionic Systems, by Kianna Wan of Stanford University

QSEC’s Computing subgroup will host the next QC seminar on Tuesday, 11/10 at 1pm. Note that the time is different from usual.

Join Zoom Meeting ID: 934 6880 2063


Title: Improving Quantum Simulation of Fermionic Systems

Speaker: Ms. Kianna Wan, PhD Candidate of Physics Department, Stanford University

Abstract: Quantum simulation is one of the most anticipated applications of quantum computers. Many recent advances have focused on the simulation of fermionic systems, such as quantum chemistry and lattice models. In this talk, I review some basic ideas behind state-of-the-art algorithms for quantum simulation. I then show how one of the main subroutines can be performed in logarithmic depth when applied to any fermionic system. This immediately yields an asymptotic reduction in runtime for the simulation of a large class of models.

The quantum computing subgroup meets weekly, usually at 12pm Tuesdays. If you are interested in staying up to date, please join the Slack channel at https://join.slack.com/t/masonquantumcomputing/shared_invite/zt-gof00ck7-9H~sciLYg0r8nGpf5R3xnQ

For more QSEC events, please check https://qsec.gmu.edu/events.